Weekly Grace

Meditation scripture and inspirational nuggets

The weekly meditation scripture and inspirational nugget are designed to encourage you in your walk with God, strengthen your faith and give you a specific scripture to meditate on all week long. To get the most out of these weekly scriptures, we encourage you to keep them before you every day and apply them to your life and circumstances. Declare them daily and stay focused on them until you experience true results.

FOR THE WEEK OF February 21, 2022

Use Your Authority


Life always has its ups and downs. If it seems like it has more downs than ups and you feel as if you’re being knocked around like a ping pong ball, you’re familiar with the accompanying feelings of helplessness and frustration. However, Christians have both the ability to take control of bad situations that Satan creates and the authority to shut him down when he throws adversity at us. We have the power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing can hurt us.

We’re able to tap into this amazing power when we realize the level of authority we have and are willing to use it. The key here is using our authority, not just tolerating things. Jesus gave His disciples power to cast out unclean spirits and heal all manner of sickness and disease; that authority also extends to us by faith. We, too, have power over any type of demonic influences that stir up trouble and contradict the Word of God.

We have the right to peace, joy, good health, prosperity, victory, financial stability, and many other good things. To receive them we must first seek the kingdom of God, and all those things will be added to us. Seeking the kingdom involves learning and applying the spiritual laws that govern heaven; enforcing those laws brings God’s promises to pass. Studying His Word reveals the specifics of what we can rightfully expect.

God wants to bless us; trusting Him in this area allows Him to do so. We can either put up with situations that are less than His best for us or stand on our authority and take control. God has set before us life and death, blessing and curses, and He tells us to choose life.

God’s will is for us to enjoy an abundance of good things. Jesus died to give us all those good things, even if we think we don’t deserve them. Such is the nature of grace for believers.


Lord, Your Son saw fit to give us all the power and authority You gave Him. He did this so that we could have the same victorious life He has. We’re grateful for this. In Jesus’ name, amen.


  • Luke 10:19
  • Matthew 10:1
  • Matthew 6:33
  • Deuteronomy 30:15, 19

Archived Meditations
