The Conditions for Acceptable Good Works (Part 2)

by Creflo Dollar | 13 Jun 2023


On the surface, it is always good to do good. This is what the world and religion tells us; however, to be pleasing to God, we must examine the motives behind our actions. Being motivated by anything other than Jesus will frustrate and burden us, which is why we need to receive from Him before we can work for Him. Love must be our motive for everything we do in response to God’s grace. Believing in God’s love for us shapes our motivations so that we voluntarily and joyfully obey His Word because we want to, not because we feel we have to. Although refusing to love others and engage in Christian conduct has consequences and opens us up for the enemy to work in our lives, God does not require us to do anything, because we are free moral agents. Whatever we choose to do or not do is entirely up to us; choosing to comply with God because of our faith in His love influences the entire direction of our lives.

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