Reaching Out

by CDM Staff | 22 Aug 2022

Last month, we shared how Creflo Dollar Ministries expands its footprint across the globe as a result of the work of CDM Europe. They reach areas that we can’t domestically. This month, we will further explore how CDM Europe works to win souls to Christ and spread the message of grace across Europe. Across all of our international volunteers and staff, we are working together to bring the love and grace of Christ Jesus to everyone.

In an interview, the CDM Europe staff highlighted their partnership with Birmingham Children’s Trust (BCT), a social care organization that helps facilitate their efforts to aid families and children with tangible needs. BCT identifies the families most in need of support and works with CDM Europe to package items together to send out to them, especially around Christmas time. During the holidays, they send age-appropriate gifts and toys to the young people they serve. CDM Europe staff said, “They were so grateful for that package from a Christian organization, to know that we’re not all mouth, but we put action to our faith.” Through this partnership, CDM Europe supports the disadvantaged and low-income population in Birmingham by sourcing housing and providing food and personal items.

CDM Europe rolls up its sleeves alongside another organization, Oscar Academy, a school for children who have been expelled due to bad behavior. Children between the ages of 13 and 17 are recommended to attend Oscar Academy to address behavioral, emotional, and social issues and ultimately help them finish their education. Many of these referred children tend to be from low-income and vulnerable families that already receive social care. The CDM Europe staff had the opportunity one Christmas to actually go to the school and have Christmas lunch with the young people. While there, they provided Christmas presents based on the recommendation of the principal. During this time, the ministry listened to the young people’s stories and watched as the principal focused on their positive behavior. The students were encouraged; they felt “seen” and cared for despite the truancy, crime, or misbehavior that landed them there. Their faces showed hope and encouragement; they felt as if they were somebody. For some, receiving a basketball or gift voucher meant the world because the focus was no longer on their faults. They were being shown the love of Christ. Some of the children do not have a winter coat when they come in, but the school provides it for them. CDM Europe became part of the solution for these troubled kids and, through prayer, planted seeds of hope that left these children inspired.

CDM Europe recently began work with an organization, Embrace, that supports female sex workers Embrace’s goal is to demonstrate their belief that each woman is deeply loved and precious to God. CDM Europe assisted this organization with donated items and fundraising to give these ladies sleeping bags, blankets, and pillows. The ministry team even participated in a “sleep-out” where they slept 24 hours outside in a secured area to experience what it is to be homeless—an eye-opening experience that increased empathy for these women and others that are homeless.

One of the team members stated, “As a staff member of Creflo Dollar Ministries, just to see lives being changed through the Word makes me more appreciative. We have easy access to the Word of God and can get involved in the day-to-day operations, and lives are being changed. Hearing how the Word of God has changed their lives no matter what color, creed, culture, age, or gender is an encouragement to me in my daily work with God. The Word is simple, so what’s my excuse?"

The team at CDM Europe is a critical part of the efforts of Creflo Dollar Ministries to spread the message of grace and hope across the world. CDM Europe is passionate about praying for those in distress or that call in with various life issues and understands how to make a difference. We each play a role as we work together, so let’s continue making an impact by winning souls to Christ. Thank you, CDM Europe, for all that you do—together, we are World Changers!
