Feeding Families 2022 Recap

by CDM Staff | 21 Dec 2022

I am trying to be like Jesus. Jesus is the gift that keeps giving, and I want to be like Jesus. I want to be the gift that keeps giving because I’m a World Changer.”

-Feeding Families Volunteer

Thanksgiving is a time not only to focus on your family and the good things for which you can be grateful, but to look outward and make an impact in the lives of others. Creflo Dollar Global Missions believes no family should go without a special holiday meal. That's why it is important for us to execute a successful Feeding Families Thanksgiving outreach each year.


Because of support from our many friends and partners from around the globe, we were able to assemble traditional Thanksgiving food items and distribute them to over 900 local families last month. Starting early in the morning, cars lined up at our College Park location for the families to receive the ingredients to create their own Thanksgiving meals and memories. Many of the drivers expressed their gratitude for receiving the food items, and those who wanted prayer could park and receive encouragement from our Prayer Ministry volunteers.


I came to bless others, but somehow I got blessed. There was just an outpor of love from the volunteers. The families are so happy and grateful.

-Feeding Families Volunteer

As in years past, we handed out whole turkeys and a box with all the trimmings for a successful holiday meal, including macaroni and cheese, stuffing, cranberry sauce, green beans, greens, and corn. Our outreach events are always an opportunity to show love and extend fellowship to those in attendance. Anyone who needed prayer could express their concerns and have someone from the ministry care team pray fervently with them.


What normally touches me is when we are able to pray with the invidiuals that come through the line. Some people have come in today and actually put some of their family members on speaker so that we could pray with them, too.

-Feeding Families Volunteer


This year, we were able to expand our reach over the holiday by visiting homeless shelters around the city. WCCI volunteers also came out to serve a hot Thanksgiving meal to over 300 people living in shelters and on the street. The menu included turkey, dressing, gravy, mashed potatoes, macaroni and cheese, green beans, rolls, and cranberry sauce. In addition to serving food, we were even able to minister to the clients at the homeless shelters.

I just want you to know today how much God loves you. I want you to understand that this is God’s love to you. And God’s not finished with you. I want you to know that wherever you are, whatever the circumstances are, whatever the situations are, God is bigger than all of those things. I want you to put your trust in him.” -Jerome Curry

It takes a village of those who love the Lord to do His work tirelessly in the earth, and the efforts of all of our volunteers does not go unnoticed. The ministry would like to issue a hearty THANK YOU! We'll continue to carry out our mission to "Understand Grace and Empower Change" by working in local communities to do our part in meeting needs. We're all in this together—we are World Changers!
