Feeding Families 2021 Recap

by CDM Staff | 20 Dec 2021

"We always talk about servanthood and being a servant; that’s what I’m all about!"

The Creflo Dollar Global Missions team hosted another successful Feeding Families Thanksgiving outreach event last month! Thanks to our many volunteers, friends, and partners from around the globe joining forces with us, we were able to provide Thanksgiving meals to hundreds of Metro Atlanta families. This annual event serves as a significant extension of the work we do every week in providing groceries to local families in need. We’re honored to be the hands and feet of Jesus, serving the community in which we live. Part of this commitment includes doing our share towards reducing food insecurity for families and bringing joy to their Thanksgiving holiday table. Thanksgiving is a time of giving thanks and bringing families together. We believe that no family should go without a special holiday meal.

“It’s better to give than to receive, so I’m giving of myself. My time, my love. More importantly, I am pleasing my Father! I am doing what God wants me to do.”

Creflo Dollar Ministries and World Changers Church International extend our gratitude to every volunteer and donor that enabled us to distribute over 2,000 turkeys and boxes of food. However, Feeding Families (and all of our outreach endeavors) are much more than just food distribution; it is always ministry. This year, we introduced the mobile prayer center—a drive-through area set up expressly to offer prayer to anyone who wanted it during the event. During this year’s Feeding Families outreach, more than 190 individuals received prayer, and eight people received salvation. This is the work we are called—making a mark in this world—and we don't take the assignment lightly.

“We’re talking the talk and walking the walk. We’re showing them Jesus, and showing them what love is about. We’re showing them the heart of our pastors.”

Assistant Director for Global Ministries, Jerome Curry, assists with the planning and logistics for our local outreach initiatives. “The volunteers were the heartbeat of the event,” he said. Although many organizations give out turkeys and food during this time of the year, the World Changers difference shines through in our volunteers’ love, compassion, and warm hearts. They made the experience life-changing for many because of the grace they extened to everyone who showed up. The volunteers took the approach that love and ministry come first. Recipients showed much appreciation for genuine conversation with the sincere people who provide needed resources—an authentic experience of what it feels like to receive the love of Christ. Many are just starting to come out again after almost two years of limited activity because of the pandemic.

“Since God has blessed me so much, I feel like the least I can do is help other people when they need it.”

Jerome said, “From a ministry perspective, it's about the love of God coming through us as living epistles. When our presence shows up, it demands an explanation.” He continued to say that on the day of Feeding Families, as the leaders and volunteers showed up, the presence of God in them made a difference in people’s lives. “Global Missions and Feeding Families is simply an extension of God in our lives. We are the outstretched arms of our pastors and the hands and feet of Jesus,” said Jerome. When asked how serving in Global Missions has impacted his life over the past ten years, he stated that Global Missions has changed his life. The Global Missions t-shirt says, “Here to Help,” and that has been his personal mantra: to help people in ways that he never thought possible. The Feeding Families annual outreach increases his faith and enables him to be part of mission work on a massive scale. His favorite part of volunteering for Global Missions is to see what is possible through God.

“This is what it’s all about, giving and putting a smile on someone else’s face. It makes me feel good. You can always rely on the church.”

World Changers Church International wants to give a big round of applause to show our gratitude to every volunteer that showed love and served their community. We are our brother’s keeper and carry each other’s burdens in love. As we continue to deal with these unprecedented times, nothing can stop the love of Christ from going forth for His people. We will continue carrying out our mission to “Understand Grace and Empower Change” to local families and surrounding communities.

“World Changers is about being a blessing to the world—changing the world!”